Creating A Zero Based Budget In 2023

How to pick the best budgeting method that works One Financial View
How to pick the best budgeting method that works One Financial View from

Creating a Zero Based Budget in 2023

What is a Zero Based Budget?

A zero based budget is a budgeting method that requires you to assign every dollar of your income to a specific expense. This budgeting system is designed to help you keep track of where your money is going and ensure you’re not spending more than you have. The goal of a zero based budget is to create a budget that “balances” your expenses, meaning your total income should equal or exceed your total expenses.

Steps to Create a Zero Based Budget

Creating a zero-based budget can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you create your zero-based budget:

Step 1: Calculate Your Income and Expenses

The first step in creating a zero-based budget is to calculate your income and expenses. To do this, you’ll need to gather up all of your financial documents, including pay stubs, bank statements, and bills. Once you have all of your documents, calculate your total income and then add up all of your expenses. This will give you an idea of how much money you will need to budget.

Step 2: Assign Every Dollar a Job

Once you know how much money you have to work with, it’s time to assign every dollar a job. Start by categorizing your expenses into categories such as housing, transportation, food, entertainment, and so on. Then, assign each dollar of your income to a specific expense category. This will help you keep track of where your money is going and ensure you’re not overspending.

Step 3: Track Your Spending

The next step in creating a zero-based budget is to track your spending. This will help you stay on track with your budget and make sure you’re not overspending. You can track your spending in a variety of ways, including using a spreadsheet, budgeting app, or even writing it down in a notebook. Whatever method you choose, make sure you’re tracking your spending regularly.

Step 4: Make Adjustments as Necessary

Finally, once you’ve created your zero-based budget and started tracking your spending, it’s important to make adjustments as necessary. If you find that you’re overspending in one area, you may need to cut back in another. Or, if you find that you’re not spending enough in an area, you may need to increase your budget. Tracking your spending and making adjustments as needed is the key to successfully managing your zero-based budget.


Creating a zero-based budget can be a great way to track your spending and ensure you’re not overspending. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a budget that works for you and helps you stay on track with your financial goals. Good luck!
